Old Farm SurgeryHelping You Live Well

Tel: 01803 556403

Contact us

Register with the surgery image Register with the surgery

We're a family practice with a mission to help you lead an active and fulfilling life, whatever your health condition.

Click here to register with us online. Alternatively, simply download and print this Registration Form (GMS1) and this New Patient Questionnaire. Complete the forms and either post them to us or bring them to the surgery. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.

Click here to check you live within our practice boundary

Click here to find your NHS number

Temporary Registation - Click here for more information. You can register temporarily with a GP surgery for up to 3 months while away from home for work, study or on holiday. You'll remain registered with your permanent GP surgery. 'Phone us to get the ball rolling. After 3 months you will have to apply to register with us  as a permanent resident.


Update your details

It is really important to keep the details that we hold for you up to date. If you have recently got married/or changed your name we will need to see a copy of your marriage certificate or deed poll. Please pop into the surgery with this information and we will update your record.

If you have moved house, updated your telephone number or email address, please click here to let us know


Named GP

From the 1st April 2015 NHS England made a contractual change for all patients to be allocated a named and accountable GP.

All our patients are allocated a named GP.  There is no condition within the requirement for patients to only see their named GP when they book an appointment.  Patients can request to see or speak to any GP or Nurse that is available on the day you are calling for an appointment.

Patients can contact us to find out who is their specific GP or to request a specific GP although this may not always be possible