Carer's Support
Across the UK today 6.5 million people are Carers, supporting a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill.
That’s 1 in 8 adults who care, unpaid, for family and friends.
A Carer is someone who provides unpaid help and support on a regular basis to a relative, neighbour or friend who is unable to manage at home due to age, a long term health condition or disability.
Our Carer's Support Worker Tracy provides a wide range of support to anyone in a caring role. She can help with information about practical support, by accessing a break through the Health & Social Care Team, making a referral for Finance/Benefit checks and linking you to other local Carer's groups.
If you know of a Carer (including young people) who needs help, please contact us. Also check out the Carer's board in our lobby.